Tuesday, October 23, 2012

i had found a window to finally use for the project, i decied to leave the trees there and start over again. Once i change the theme of the background, it will be dark, as haunted house. So i will be tenting the trees in the house dark, and make them shrink, i still have to cut off the sides and just have the house its self. i will add broken window to all the parts of the house, to make it look legit and haunted,

Friday, October 19, 2012

i am in the process of using the healing brush to take out the tress in the house. they came out cricket but i will be fixing it next class. my mission is to take out all the tress and just have the house by its self, i will be using healing brush on replace mode to fix all the errors and just make it to a house only,

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I picked this house, What am trying to do is heel some spots where its bothinering the house, i have aldready made a new tab of just the house not the grass and all, Next what i will have to do is cut of the grass, and make it look way more darker,

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Final Spider-Doo

i mess up on the cheeck of the spider doo, didnt know how to fix it, What i did, was basically just cut off the head of the spider man, and put a head of scooby doo, Thats why they name it spider doo, The next step was that i changed the color of the scoobys head to the color it cornates with spiders man body, Red. the next hard step was adding the web to the face, i used the transform tool to caculate the sides and all. i erased the web where it goes to the eyes and nose,

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Almost Finished

i was gone for a day of class, so i could of finished that day. but today, am started to to put the wen around the scooby head.