Thursday, September 27, 2012

What i did today was use a different picture of scooby, the other one looked to serious,

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What i am countuning to do is same thing i did to the one with zebra and rhino, am trying to put scoobys head into spider mans body, what i did so far was cut of scoobys body where i ony got his head

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Final Zebraceros

Final with the Zebraceros and what i basically did was finish off the liquify tool. the parts i needed, After I started to shade it in with light 3% paint brush just shading almost all the image, it the contrast starting to show more, i got more in the belly part, What i also did in liquify i decided to use the rhinos feets and Zebras legs, because if I liquify the foot and all, it will look weird, I did a little liquify by the horns, just so it can look its actually coming out from its actual body,

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Zebra/Rhino #2

In the process of using the healing brush. i still need to finish off the feet. After am done, i will have to blend in the black into the Photoshop, What i did was used liquify and i started to kinda stregh the photoshop, into the exact same spot as the rhino, just so i can see the zebra color not the rhino color. 
I did much better using the liquify on this photo cause i started to be careful and watch out not to streth that much,

Friday, September 14, 2012


I had to resart my project again in doing the Zebra and cornating it with the Rhino. What i did wrong was used liquidfy and i accedtiy move blended the clors togthers and it started to look like a shadow, the most common tool i used was Go to edit and transform, and either use Scale or Wrap, to match the rhino, the other tool i used was magntic lasso tool to cut of the grass to show the rhino in the second layer, Last but not least, i will still have to liquidfy both of them togther,

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Final Photoshop section assigment

What i did in this photoshop was to cut off the blue part, the background color, we used checker board instead, The tools i used was Lasso tool, Poygonal Lasso tool, Magntic Lasso tool. We also used a diffrent tab, Witch was Elillpitic Marquee tool. I had used that one more common, to cover the blue, and get the job done quicker, to take off the blue from the status, i used the Magnitc lasso tool bewcuase it will stick to the status and you just follow whereever you want to cut, The spikes on the top was a little hard because i didnt want to cut of the gold spikes all the way, off,

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Final Dog Healing Brush

As we contuine to use the healing brush, This one was a little easy, Just because I got the hang of using the  healing brush tool. In the photo we had to cut of the trees. the wires in the sky and some people that were there, the whole point i think of this was to just fro people to concentrate on the dog and the dog only, What I used in this photo is the healing brush on replace mode, I used the ''alt'' key and copy that was on the back, I contuined to use it as it started to match it, And so in beyond i used on all of them.

Final Healing Brush Tool

There was a sorta a lot of things we used in this photo to make it exactly. Something that was really hard was taking out the car and repainting the side walk and the wasll again, I started using the the healing brush on Replace mode and draging what color i wanted, to match. After i had removed the poles and everything there was some places where the color was off and i used the normal brush and i started to match the color. like for an example, there was the side where the sky was straight up blue and using the healing brush on the normal mode, i kind of started to mix the color togther, Same thing with the road, blending the colors togther. to match it, 

Final Using Liquify Tool

What i leraned that day when we started to use the liquify tool was a lot, How i could of strech out his eyes or anything in the face. What i did that was something diffrent was change his hair style, He started of with almost a fro, and what i did was use the Turbulence, and i just started to straight in his hair. Another thing that i learned was that we starting playing around with the twril tool. Witch i really did not use in my project, becuase it would of make my person funjny looking. The most i used on liqufiy tool was Pucker tool and Bloat.