Wednesday, January 16, 2013

PS #2

I wanted to make a Luminescent lines, but am still in the process of changinf the color fo the lines witch am have problems with cause i cant fint the right tool,.

PS #1

i Was in the process of finishing it, whats going on is that i am going to put a circle r section that will of course have some kind of design. Like a twirl. That by making a design. i had to fill in the background with black adding a little of white, i chose red and black, and some pink, i did make anew filter by going to Filter, Render and than choosing Lighting Effects witch changed almost the whole color making it lighter of what i had before,

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Close to finish

not finished, i was in the processes of adding the second black on the bottom, the top i was trying to add black only to the side of it,i wanted to shade in more of the black on the sphere, trying to make the color under it identical.  Am going to to shade in more of the black on the bottom so i can match it with the top

Monday, January 7, 2013

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Close to Finish

Not yet done but, am in the process of mixing the circle with the  black and basically making it to a shadow. i did retry multiple times trying tot get it right. Am using the black Painting brush on 2% darkness, just so its not so strong and messing up the sphere. What i have to do is paint the base of it and paint over the layer, and slowly blend them in. What i think i did wrong on the other ones was that i rushed to fast causing it to be all over the sphere.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Color Mix -1-2-3

What i learned here is was blending the any type of colors, mixing them together to get a mix, the told i basically used was the painting brush. setting the paint brush big. Also what i did was put the flow on at least 2% so it don't make it rich dark than it usually was. The point was to mix both colors but see the original color.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012